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proton lathos section kai duteron eixa kai egw afto to problem kai dn ginotan me tpt..vk alakse pack gt an 8es na anoikseis server 8a s vgalei kai alla problems sthn poreia

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proton lathos section kai duteron eixa kai egw afto to problem kai dn ginotan me tpt..vk alakse pack gt an 8es na anoikseis server 8a s vgalei kai alla problems sthn poreia


+fono me to pedi jequal pwla provlimata + exw akusi oti to project ine failed twra dn 3erw

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Q: Θέλω βοήθεια για pack που είναι L2jDot/Brazil/Umbrella/Jenova/Oneo/Equal.

A: Λοιπόν, μην ζητάτε βοήθεια εάν χρησιμοποιείτε αυτά τα pack. Έχουν κλείσει, άρα δεν θα βρείτε υποστήριξη.



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