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Have you ever rolled a char of your opposite sex?

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Female dwarf,coz of the dance moves ,female dakr elf when i pretend to be a cute girl and give MSN to stupid ppl and they gave me items long time ago when i was a kid :))) and  i  was bored to farm

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The title explains itself! :P

If you want to share also the why, go on!

Let's see ... human female mage , dark elf female mage , dwarf female .. because i'm bored of human male mage , dark elf male looks like a g@y , dwarf male looks like a business-man, not like a spoiler ..

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Let's see ... human female mage , dark elf female mage , dwarf female .. because i'm bored of human male mage , dark elf male looks like a g@y , dwarf male looks like a business-man, not like a spoiler ..

I'd say dark elf male looks emo :D

About dwarf male...rich man that over eats :D

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Let's see ... human female mage , dark elf female mage , dwarf female .. because i'm bored of human male mage , dark elf male looks like a g@y , dwarf male looks like a business-man, not like a spoiler ..


you fkin boobs addict :)))))

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