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About dagger trick and bluff


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both skill success rate very low... i used 10times,about 90%miss

what should i do? i haven enchant skill yet

tell gm to fix it but to dont make them op :) thats the main problem of il java servers ,that gms op dagger class and than everyone complain

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that gms op dagger class and than everyone complain

They do not op dagger class, it's already op when installed and they don't know how to fix it. (most of them)

Also the most op class on il server are archers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

play with dagger and pray for a bluff to success.

or play another class.


i dont think that can do sth more...its about the server...::)

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both skill success rate very low... i used 10times,about 90%miss

what should i do? i haven enchant skill yet

I think that you cant enchant trick skill anyway...and about bluff even if u enchant it, it does affect the success rate but, from what I've seen, bluff should be at least like +16-18...I play with +12 and it lands only on ppl with lower gear than me, or on certain classes without much CON(e.g. mages)...

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