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[UPDATED-Share]Biohazard Event Freya


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Everything is fine but when I type it .bhreg does nothing

: S

Any solution?


I add the line

VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().registerVoicedCommandHandler(new castle());

to MasterHandlers.java but when i run gameserver this file give error :(




the solution to this problem will find it here: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=14701&hilit=biohazard&start=45#p74162

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a problem with this event, everything is perfect when you add the patch, but when sending the command / / bh_start the event starts perfectly, but the GM pj is paralyzed, not moving, you can write and however you can read the rest of the world.

Shows no such error or Game Server or online game

Excuse for my English

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes im having same trouble as above post by Lacrafarai


showing no errors in console,just announces that its starting in 15 mins etc then freezes client have to crit out.


server 4515

dp      7821

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when i start the event, my account freeze. i cant write in chat, i cant move, but all others players are OK. i just need to close the game windows and restart the game. the event works and at the end, only zombi player will disconnect by critical error, but reward gived before if zombi win.


So 2 low bug, but event works.

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