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nub Raule



0.87 ratio in filelist is good?


Uploaded: 845.23 MB

Downloaded: 971.14 MB


Show clemency, I'm newb at filelist so I don't know how much can I download for free, my account on IPtorrents is already banned and I'm scared :(




nub Raule



0.87 ratio in filelist is good?


Uploaded: 845.23 MB

Downloaded: 971.14 MB


Show clemency, I'm newb at filelist so I don't know how much can I download for free, my account on IPtorrents is already banned and I'm scared :(




I have download : 543.24 GB and uploaded 200.11 MB and my ratio is 0.01, problem?


nub Raule



0.87 ratio in filelist is good?


Uploaded: 845.23 MB

Downloaded: 971.14 MB


Show clemency, I'm newb at filelist so I don't know how much can I download for free, my account on IPtorrents is already banned and I'm scared :(



is bad you could get banned


Ratio: 8.24 

Uploaded: 4.12 TB  Downloaded: 512.52 GB

Saturday, 29 Sep 2012



upload more asap





is bad you could get banned


Ratio: 8.24 

Uploaded: 4.12 TB  Downloaded: 512.52 GB

Saturday, 29 Sep 2012



upload more asap





no, you can't get banned for having shit ratio


I have many accs with ratio 0 or 0.01 or other shit ratio under 1 and no problems since 2 years. And eventually if they warn you and pm you just pm em back telling them you got shit internet 1 mb download and 10 kb upload so they will leave you alone. Don't be stupid to stay and upload for them leaving your PC open and consuming electricity ->> more money at bill. Be smart, act wise.


exactly. be smart and get your account banned cause you cant leave utorrent opened while you watch a movie.

No, I have torrent opened when I see a movie, is just that I have 0.90 mbps upload :D


Greece ;D

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