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Help with off server !



hallo to everyone!! i am new developer for l2off server and i have some problems ! ! !

1st : i dont know how to change serial number for l2server and l2npc !

2nd : i dont know how to make accounts : )! !


thnx for help !

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Maybe he is using a old pack that, everytime you try to run it doesn't work (i saw one pack like that, repeated hundred of times). What pack is he using ?


EmmE and paylis92, your knowledge is Thousands of Light years (or even more) far from mcbigmac and Anarchy, so at least you should shut your mouth and try to talk with some respect, they want you to start TO SEARCH AND USE LOGIC, that you are not using, your comments are just useless, when people will see how thankful you are the will just ignore you, cause i think the words "Thank You, Sorry, and many others" are missing in your brain cause your mom never educated you well, so stop answering in that way cause that don't won't help you in any way, you look like an ignorant that gets angry when people face the truth against him.

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He's using windows 2008 as mac said, which if that guy had done any searching at all he would of found 100+ topics where it says the l2server doesn't work on 2008...

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It works if people got some skills (it requires some hard work) to do it, but even if it works, its pretty UNSTABLE, so i don't recommend it.

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Well yeah to get the L2Server to run on 2008 you need to recode a lot of the sharedmemory system because in server 2008 microsoft changed the way named shared memory instances are referenced and you can no longer use pointers to the memory map file, which was standard in 2003, now you have to use offsets from the base of the mapped file and so a huge overhaul of the shared factories is needed for it to work... something no one is gonna do.

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I dont have Windows Server 2008.... I said that i have Windows server 2 0 0 3 !!!!!


please lock the topic because i dont need any help !thnx for help btw to everyone!

have fun!

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