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Hello MxC!

I wil show you how to create a website easy and fast

I will use

1.Artisteer 3  http://shareflare.net/download/733952.0309c627cfb56f2e472ebe6368ba650/HASARD.RU_Artisteer_3.0.rar.html

2.Notepad ++  http://notepad-plus-plus.org/release/5.8.6


So you think what is artisteer 2...

It is a website template creator which is very easy to use.


ok Lets Start...

First Open The Programm It Will Look Like this


Select what kind of template you want to make..(i will choose joomla)

Now we are going to stylize our website template


In the ideas section artisteer suggest you how your site will be nice

Press Suggest Desing or other suggestion buttons until you see one website you like...

then we are going to modify it so it looks like a lineage 2 website

First we will go to layouts and select were we want to be the menu of our site and the columns


Then We Will Go to Backgrounds section and select what backround we want for our website


Try to figure out how i t will be nice for you the background(if you want you can insert your background from "From File..." Button but i prefer not to use mine artisteer have nice background itself)

The next step is to configure our sheet size, borders, etc..


Configure as you wish it's easy

Now go to header section...here we will make our website look like a lineage 2 website


At header background import your lineage 2 picture then go and change headline and slogan with something about your server

(i dont insert foreground photo and textblock but if you want try it)

Then go at menu section and select your menu style it will be easy


Then Configure articles(it is how you want the fonts,etc... at the main body of the website), Buttons (i dont configure block section there is no point)and Footer




In the end go to color & fonts section and configure the colours and fonts of your website


Finally we have our website template now export it and we are going to edit it with notepad ++

Lets open our website folder


Now Copy "page.html" file 4 times

Name every copy of this file(for exapmle server info.html,donate info.html)

this files are the sections of your website


Now we open all .html files with  notepad ++

In notepad ++ we are going to configure our site

i wont tell you much about how you are going to configure your website's body but how to change button values and how to insert link at them

Find This


Now Lets explain:

this is the button "home"

<li><a href="#" class="{ActiveItem}"><span><span>Home</span></span></a></li>

where #

<a href="#">

insert the link tha t you want your button to follow


means that when you see this page home button will appeared with another to understand that this page you are looking

for exapmle look this


<li><a href="#" class="{ActiveItem}"><span><span>Home</span></span></a></li>

here where it says home it is the button value so if you change it it will say something else on the button

Another Thing you need to know is to change your website's title

<title>Artisteer </title>

change artisteer to "Lineage 2 Something



I hope i helped you


PS:I know i didnt say to you very much things how to edit your website with notepa ++ but is something you have to learn yourself to get a nice website it won't be difficult to learn html


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