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interlude [L2J]LineageII Activate C6


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I cant believe my db+18focus was deleted. at least u could lower it to +16 if only few of us had them.

use petition and ill restore it

I kinda like this server nice features. Maybe a bit daggers to OP ^^ And spawn time of mob's in farming zone to big like 5mins  if it be 40sec or smth would be realy great.

the big respawn time is because they drop much..

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use petition and ill restore

Can i know how do you know that he's telling the truth?

If i come and tell you that I had +18 db you will give me one?


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50k is not much... when u 1 kill all mobs and still wait till spawn so 5 guys kill in 1min all mobs and wait 4min to spawn? >.<

xD thats right :D i will fix respawn to 50 seconds.. :D and now fixing dagger power

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I play dagger and yes, we are op!


Our mirage rate is too high, when 2daggers are pvping there is no skill, just luck of mirage rate which is obviously 80% lol! It can cancel by every hit. Lower it.. and i mean for a lot of %. Not just 5-10. But 30% !

Your forum.. and you said not to post here ^^


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Can i know how do you know that he's telling the truth?

If i come and tell you that I had +18 db you will give me one?


im checking first the tables ;)

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im checking first the tables ;)

better check log's if that item was delete'd you wont find it at "tables of db" Alt+F Search 18 ^^



Nvm i am leaving server it should be BETA version not normal. u dont fix'ed so much stuff.... now buffs got fu*cked up....


GL whit server :)

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