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ok i dont know if this tip has ben poste here.......so i will  try to tel you how to kill raids faster


Ok you will ned a lvl 1 charcater you ned to buf this character with reflect damage and go to raid boss and then hit the raid boss the raid will do a very big dmg on him and then will reflect it back so the raid is ded in 1 min i hope this tip will help you......sry for my bad english i hope you will understend wat i try to explain here....i tested and its work .....so good luck


this bug shold work on any server becuse of the high dmg that a raid bos do to a lvl 1 character and the dmg reflected its big and yes the raid drop is stil the same.........i have been us this tip on a c5 server and it worked


i very much doubt

the dmg that he hits and the % of the reflection is like 0.001 of his hp...u need like 500 lvl 1 char for this :)



usig reflect damage the raid takes damages from the player hitting him,,, so if it its the pg for 1.000.000 damage he will receive 50k damage instantly no matter what is his pdef.. now on a pg lvl1 a raid liv80 will make lots of damage, u only need to do a raid...


1. a pg liv1

2. a tank that aggro the raid after that kills the lvl1 pg

3. someone who ress the lvl 1 pg (an sps or a sorcer is better than others, so that tehy can buff the pg with blazing skin or anotherreflecting damage buff)


then the lvl1 pg mai attak and the tank may scroll, bless scroll or wait to die


its a good tip, if woks XD

we may onl try :)


i do no, i will try it, just because it sounds impossible...

iv u will ever try this make a SS with the rb hp after and before the lvl 1 char dies

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