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Mod On GP Forum : xDrac


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Ι don't get it.So fvcking what?Many of you/us are members there.I see no bad on that.

Well,yeah,it's that rule.Screw the rule.It's way too dumb.If he doesn't leech,he's fine!

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WTH are you doing there =D ?


By the way, everyone who is staff on GP is banned/will get banned from mxc?

No think it that way:

Ventic was mod here. . .Got butthurted and banned,so he started his own forum...Many banned or disappointed members moved there and none of you has the right to blame them for doing so!Now,there's a rule that says:"If you are moderator @ forum that has same content as ours,you will be banned."

Deepshit or not?

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I am member of L2Paradox's community , please ban me.

Get a golden membership and you shall feel the rage that flows into our veins :@
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Ι don't get it.So fvcking what?Many of you/us are members there.I see no bad on that.

Well,yeah,it's that rule.Screw the rule.It's way too dumb.If he doesn't leech,he's fine!

absolutely man , i agree with you too , this is the most ridiculous rule ever....
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