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[SHARE] All around hacks & exploits (Don't bother yourself trying on retail)

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Buy items in huge stacks. It's also good in buying 255 t6 items with one conquerer item. Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/

The shop you are trying to buy items from have to have the items and you have to target the shopkeeper with shop window open.

/script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy ("WEAPON_NAME",HOW_MANY);


Coloured text. If you need others than the ones listed use psp or find it from webpage. Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/


Write the text in chat and your text colour changes.

Black text: (You find this with psp: fc00000000)

/run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cff000000\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end;



/run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cffff00ff\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end;


green: (You find this with psp: fcc000c000)

/run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cff00c000\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end;



Fly upside down (not tested). Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/

/console pitchlimit 9000


Using Tsearch / cheat engine to put set your running speed. Credits to (I'll fill this up when I remember).



Sprint speed 16680

Your characters "GHOST RUN" speed is 16652

200% speed      16736

190% speed 16648

180% speed 16643

170% speed 16639

160% speed 16634

150% speed 16630

140% speed 16626

130% speed 16621

120% speed 16617

110% speed 16612

Your characters "RUN" speed is 16608

Your characters "WALK" speed is 16416

Your characters "IDLE" speed is 0


1) walk and search for value 16416

2) search for 0 while standing still

3) finally run and search for 16608

4) if there is too many addresses you should repeat steps 1-3 until there is only some lines

5) change the value to what u wish

6) don't blame me if u got banned


Calculating your running speed. Credits to me.

eg. I want 211% speed:

16608 + 0.44*[221%-100%]


Maximum amount of gold you can hold. Credits to me.

wow max gold: 429496 gold 72 silver 96 copper



Use mount while in instance. Credits to me.


1. WPE Pro and you must know how to use it.

2. Mount

3. Another item you could normally use in instance (I used Smokey's Lighter)

How to:

1. Record the packet (size 12) you use the item and find your item's ID. The ID is located in 7th and 8th slot.

2. Record the ID of your mount

3. Make a filter to WPE which changes the use of your item to mount.




NOTE: You can't use flying mounts in Kalimdor (Haven't tested EK)

NOTE2: This can also be used to use items you are not supposed to use. For example filtering a potion to use mounts under level 40.


Teleport with Shadowstep. Full credits to http://www.deathsoft.com/


#1 Target an enemy, creep, or NPC, you have to be able to attack it.. it must ben an enemy.

#2 Type /focus, and hit enter.. while your chosen monster is still targetted. A glow should go around it's frame.

#3 Click on a friend, in your party, or an NPC far away, it can be hostile, or neutral.

#4 Then type /cast [target=focus] Shadowstep, and hit enter. You should teleport to your target. Remember to be in range of your focus.. limist is like 1000 yards.



Keep Auras forever. (Not tested) Credits to citykid199 from http://www.deathsoft.com/


This works with the following buffs:

[ALL] Paladin auras.

All totems except weapon-buff totems.

Tranquility (Druid AoE healing.)

[ALL] Druid form auras (Such as Leader of the Pack)

Trueshot Aura

Draenei Auras


So, heres how you do it:

1) Go to the entrance of an instance. Stay right by the entrance, but don't go in.

2) Get any of the buffs posted above.

3) Zone into the instance.

4) Profit!


Note: The buffs go away if you die and/or logout.


Attack Anything & Filters



Use Ambush without being stealthed.



Instant Logout Credits to |~Dark-Bepo~| from http://www.deathsoft.com/

Make a macro:

/console logout


I will add more if I find.

PS should I just post the direct links to webpages instead of a frikking huge 1st post?

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