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Miss Fortune.


Boots of Swiftness/Mercury Trends/Berserker Greaves

Infinity Edge

Phantom Dancer

Black Cleaver


Madred's Bloodrazor/Bloodthirster/Phantom Dancer/defensive item


Another build that might work is Warmogs+Atma's Impaler... (I've tried it on Ashe and it really rocked. Ashe with 3 k HP, 70 % critical chance, ~300 AD w/o full build)





Doran's Blade>

Berserker Greaves>

Sword of Ocult>

Phantom Dancer/Infinity Edge(depends on how hard you fed your previous item)>

Item that you haven't chosen previously aka Phantom Dancer or Infinity Edge>

Guardian Angel(if you're the most pwner in team, smart enemy will focus you) or Bloodthrister>

Sell Doran's Blade and buy another Phantom Dancer.


                                         Low Cost

Dmg Dealer: Master Yi : Very Good Character ... (Full Dmg And Cost 450 IP)

Tank:Dr Mundo: Nice Dmg And Full Hp.....(Full Hp---- Special Ulti And Cost 1350)

Mage: Fiddlesticks: Full Hp Drain And Impa Ulti(Very Nice Dmg With Ap And Cost 1350)


And Next Is Your Choise Play Some Games And Take One Char With Your Likes ....




what about you? have you learned playing lol?

Weird you can lock this topic, as I have been helped much.I have learned the 50% of heroes and got a little experience :)

It's a great game


Weird you can lock this topic, as I have been helped much.I have learned the 50% of heroes and got a little experience :)

It's a great game

yes is a great game but dont play too many matches a day because you will get bored.
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