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Lineage2 Goddess of Destruction


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Yes Phoenix I am a fan of Epilogue, I like the new things but they are TO MUCH! Why they add vitality system? No need. Oh, about the Flying Island near talking island(i don't remember the name)what is it for?

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Yes Phoenix I am a fan of Epilogue, I like the new things but they are TO MUCH! Why they add vitality system?


It's a little boost, so that achieving lvl 85 would be feasible.

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LOL. So you want a game that doesn't update at all?

Btw, for your info, the game is becoming more and more newb-friendly with these updates, but how could you know, since you just play that Interlude piece of crap...

i play always last chronicle

but i say we didn't even learn all things for freya

and new updates came

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this isn't tera.. how title says is Lineage2 Goddess of Destruction

i know mate its a joke that im saying coz yesterday i had an argument about graphics between this and tera. so lets wait to see

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i play always last chronicle

but i say we didn't even learn all things for freya

and new updates came


If you were playing with a competitive clan on retail, it would take you 2 weeks MAX to learn at least 90 % about how new features work.

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yes official ppl left all and going to privates

and official as well to attract back new and old players

they make all things easier and easier

and for old players with best items

they add new items to find them something to waste their time

come on don't they see that ppl worked hard to make dynasty in gracia final

and new comers worked 1/4 of gracia final to make a noob dynasty set

that in freya dynasty is like B in interlude

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yes official ppl left all and going to privates

and official as well to attract back new and old players

they make all things easier and easier

and for old players with best items

they add new items to find them something to waste their time

come on don't they see that ppl worked hard to make dynasty in gracia final

and new comers worked 1/4 of gracia final to make a noob dynasty set

that in freya dynasty is like B in interlude


Isn't it normal?


C grade at C1 was like A grade on Interlude. Same thing...

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i play always last chronicle

but i say we didn't even learn all things for freya

and new updates came

there are only in korean servers... till they come in NA months will pass xD

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Yes Phoenix I am a fan of Epilogue, I like the new things but they are TO MUCH! Why they add vitality system? No need. Oh, about the Flying Island near talking island(i don't remember the name)what is it for?


Dude are you serious ? First of all Vitality is needed to make EXP easier. Ok you like to player on x5000 servers and get 85lv in no time but that about official and low/mid rate servers ?


Does a small bar with 4lvs named Vitality bother you ?


And you are talking about this island , this island is the Portal to Gracia , an another world


everything has a simple logic you simply are too far behind from the updates that you think everything "iz customzzz" and useless lol.


they didn't added that flying island for fireworks for sure


imo to be honest vitality is sh!t

vitality dont last so much so you can be happy with it.

and they could add more xp to mobs if they want not to add a new "system" pff


in freya you get exp boost from recs

plus vitality ain't bad , from nothing it is way better


plus x2 there are potions from mobs that give you vitality regen from the exp you earn


in a few words in the last updates they made exp wayyyyyyyyyyyy easier so it would boost Normal exp'ing a little and not walker all the time.


i know mate its a joke that im saying coz yesterday i had an argument about graphics between this and tera. so lets wait to see


well tera may have better graphics but in my opinion graphics doesn't represent if the game is good or not , plus having graphics to maximum and with many people nearby you (on Tera im talking about) you are gonna have shitty FPS.


yes official ppl left all and going to privates

and official as well to attract back new and old players

they make all things easier and easier

and for old players with best items

they add new items to find them something to waste their time

come on don't they see that ppl worked hard to make dynasty in gracia final

and new comers worked 1/4 of gracia final to make a noob dynasty set

that in freya dynasty is like B in interlude


well this is how it goes lol


on all MMORPG games , then new gear comes the old one is easier to get


this happens on World of Warcraft too


and on all MMORPGs.


Isn't it normal?


C grade at C1 was like A grade on Interlude. Same thing...



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plus x2 there are potions from mobs that give you vitality regen from the exp you earn


They are not potions, but herbs that have the lowest drop chance among herbs. They are not that great after ~45...

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