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[SHARE] Bot for Dragon-Network


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add it in walker set:


ServerList= Dragon (15x);Infinity (5x);Nightmare Server 30x;Raven (10x);Dragon (õ200);


and good job u can cpnect to dragon15x

but L2Walker work that depends on each account.

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can u show me this link with walker btw ig walker not work too


The link (IG)



I download from this post and work fine in XPsp2



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But old IG and OOG walkers dont working now maybe u have some working walkers

Walker of this link work fine today,


But old walkers oog ( 10.8.8 ) don't wok more try download on here

oog version.

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this walker doesnt work at x15 and x30


19:46:18 »¶Ó­Ê¹ÓÃÐÐÕß¡£www.ToWalker.com
19:46:18 Link LoginServer Succeed.
19:46:19 服务器[01]当前在线率:40.05%,能否登陆:能
19:46:22 Link GameServer Succeed.
19:46:22 ->Login GameServer Fail.


ps. how i know i found his topic somwhere in the net


when i change protocol to 831


i got error with participte clan and then l2w goes errored


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