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im now using IG 1.92 with zxCrk - New l2asrv


so nothing special problems.


so good




but i have one worried they said that mabye had virus in zxCrk - New l2asrv


but i am going zxCrk - New l2asrv...


no problems.~ until..




you used with IG1.92 version and worked?can you give us the details of your host file?


having done some extra testing with ig...

first of all no host file changed (even the chinese site didnt say anything about it but neither did the uploader)


i put the 2 files inside the walker folder, i run the crak.exe opens a small window (that in the title bar says that is for OOG but we will discuss about that later), i press the start windows and i leave open the crack, the l2 walker starts (1.92 IG), i press the run button and l2 starts. so far good and nothing strange almost.....no net activity produced from walker or the crack.....


I login, i press the home button and walker settings appear. In the fist page, where you press start/stop the combat and the auto fun, has also the verify info where it says verify fail has a button "REVERIFY" and below has some unreadable chars explaining, i guess, the reason why it failed. The unreadable char could be because i have greek windows in that machene but probably is because the info is in korean or chinese i dont know...


now even when i press the start button or i press the REveirify no internet activity is produced even now....

if i enter fake register info and press the query button only then the walker ask to connect to the internet and the ip is tha same no matter if i have start it with the crack...


so my thoughts are you must have the host file to redirect the walker to the crack and probably to enter some fake infos to the register fields, because the new walker doesnt even start the authenticate thing if the fields arent filed (sorry for my bad english ...)


i would like the ppl that say it works especially with the IG version to say more infos how they made it work ...ty

  • 3 weeks later...

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