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the fact u got low elo and usually u r vs noobs

doesnt mean that ashe is not a tier1 and a very good champion




@finals of lol wcg

ashe were a very popular champion

Ashe is one of the best champion in game! 100% slow / ulti 9999 range / and hawkshot is like clairvorance. So i can't see that she sucks! If she gets feed can pwn a lot.


Ashe is one of the best champion in game! 100% slow / ulti 9999 range / and hawkshot is like clairvorance. So i can't see that she sucks! If she gets feed can pwn a lot.


1)at slow:slows and does 50 dmg OH NOES!

2)if the ulti doesnt land exactly on him doesnt hit,and it can be avoided in big ranged

3)ashe rocks if gets like 12.000 gold to make a good build.


1)at slow:slows and does 50 dmg OH NOES!

2)if the ulti doesnt land exactly on him doesnt hit,and it can be avoided in big ranged

3)ashe rocks if gets like 12.000 gold to make a good build.

1) If she get bloodthirstier/phantom dancer it does over 200 damage newbie.

2)You cast ulti usually in short range lol

3)I don't think so! With one bloodthirstier and phantom dancer she pwns.


1) If she get bloodthirstier/phantom dancer it does over 200 damage newbie.

2)You cast ulti usually in short range lol

3)I don't think so! With one bloodthirstier and phantom dancer she pwns.

rotlf fail

1)at slow:slows and does 50 dmg OH NOES!

2)if the ulti doesnt land exactly on him doesnt hit,and it can be avoided in big ranged

3)ashe rocks if gets like 12.000 gold to make a good build.


1) Afaik all kind of slows count for their utility, not their damage. How many champs can make team-wide slows?...

2) You suck at Ashe :)

3) Infinity Edge is enough to get your damage to ~400...


Imho ultimate ashe items are blood thirster, phantom dancers, infinity edge, boots of mobility/berserk(depends on enemies),another phantom dancer and finally last whisper or starks fervor(if u prefer life steal and aura to enemies -armor)

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