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Arya the Glorious Crusade is a L2J Freya Server for demanding the game and players who want to learn L2,

with support from well known game and very good programmers. Combines the server with so much weighed all styles of playing.

Sever to decide to build why not find something similar. Use that a medium to high rate while allowing the possibility of a complete environment for PvP and very good the Rpg. A L2Server which has aimed to stats long time and enjoy all aspects of the game.

Τhe server has been reset at all, programmed. Step by step we write quests at all regions and all instance and raids.

Εmphasis on equilibrium of heading to be able to play all the characters.

If any of you wants to enjoy a full L2game without UNLIMITED leveling be very glad to try this L2server and express his impressions.

Server is FREE, no any DONATION, started 15 Oct 2010


site: www.L2Arya.eu is a new site with account manager.

forum:  forum.L2Arya.eu is a new forum too.

live chat: http://tor.torportal.com/Chat/Lobby.aspx?Group=365044&cW=800&cH=590 (with forum account)



Dedicated server 24/7, 256Mbps line, i7 930, system and all application is 64 bit, in France.

Βasic English language (petitions), Arya is an international server and allows all the languages of communication.

Game run with full Freya update of official and Arya's team Launcher.




RateXp = 250

RateSp = 350

RatePartyXp = 325

RatePartySp = 525

RateDropItems = 4

RateDropSpoil = 8

RateDropAdena = 60


Additional Information:


No npc buffers, No mana and Healing Potions, No L2Walker, No class quest (optional, auto learn), No gm (only petitions).

Yes limited GK,  yes limited gm shops in unknown traders, yes dual boxing.

All buffs is like original game, is a retail like.

Similar Traders shell armors, weapons, jewels up to s-80.

Icarus, Vesper is under crafting with blacksmiths or Dwarfs maestro or Bosses box drops in dungeons and raids.

Freya s-80 with similar craft, s-85 from Bosses drops in dungeons and raids or pvp manager.

Npc citizens, helpers fill the cities (with personal pathnodes), Help device characteristics for the game with htmls and mobs helpers.

Quests, sieges, skills, enchant skills, fortress, teriotory wars, pets all have been audited.

All prices harmonized to operate the server in a low-cost movement Adena.

The SPOIL is FREE of npclvl from 10 to 85 lvl.

Geodata and pathnodes is up


Arya PvP Manager ( your pvp points give 4 general level access to buy items with Fame points )

Arya vote Manager ( any vote from Arya web-site to any top-game site automatic generate the Top 10 voters, voter lord of the day and 7 step rewards )

Arya Top 15 Manager ( top 15 lists for Vote, PK, PvP, Fame, onlinetime, guild. combined event with gifts and appearance of the character)




Safe enchant weapons/armors/jewels +4

Max Enchant +20




commercial applications programmer

C++ developer of torque T3D, L2j dev (Tr@C3R)


web application programmer

developer of torque T3D, JreadyWeb


~We will be glad if you make the effort to try our server~


How many players does the server averagely have?

just started updating and advertising :) now average is 40 ppl, is a new server ( no new after wipe).


We just finished the codes for Hellbound. All procedures follow the official, we have write all quests step by step and instances. Certificates follow the instance level and trust points stored in general quest instance under PathTohellbound name.

Very pleasant and fun package for 'Adventurers'.


We Just finished the code of the Arya PvP Manager. Is a Npc who count yours pvp points and lists PvP Ranks of access to PvP shops. Given the level of access you can buy various freya items, weapons and armors with only medium of exchange yours Fame points.


Arya PvP Manager

npc Dread Lord

Has four levels. Rank are based on the player PvP points (The PK points do not count).

Depending on the Rank unlock market opportunities more and better items.


All items can buy with fame points.




Rank 0: 0 to 49 PvP points

( Icarus weapons )

Rank 1: 50 to 99 PvP points

( Vesper weapons, Vorpal Armors )

Rank 2: 100 to 499 PvP points

( Freya s-84 weapons, Elegia Armors)

Rank 3: 500+ PvP points

( Freya HiGrade s-84 weapons )


Arya server using a custom system vote written by Arya team.

each vote from our website automatically creates pages ingame for the top 10 voters with a range of gifts which are not affected at all the class balance, only the emergence of players.



Truly a great SERVER ... class balance incredible. Good that has not npc buffer. I too liked the environment, people are debating on and squares and have guard patrols haha! Very good ping! You will get all ppl of our clan


Good luck with this server



buy a domain+ fix ur title here (l2j)

Arya server have the better stats in l2hopzone, Stability, Availability, Friendliness, Class Balance, Siege ... etc

if any like to take a look the address is:


what lol


I was late to understand a little how this works .... will see in future what rating they will give us:)


The beneficiary for the domain talking about other 3 ips order to transfer and forum in a domain


what you mean fix ur title here (l2j)?

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