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try this - old version L2W_LIG+FixDll+IG L2Walker 2.17 from Be3geBJIa3 (vlaz.info)

http://depositfiles.com/files/4h2hsde0u (pass:vlaz.info)




p.s. new version - http://vlaz.info/forum/7-29-1  (need register)




* http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=180029.msg1449276#quickreply

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PS: Remember people, if you are going to report a thread that must be cleaned from spammers, delete few replies from posts and such little changes do not making a new senseless thread. Pm a L2 or Global moderator instead.

90% of ur reports are PM reports
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Remember people, if you are going to report a thread that must be cleaned from spammers, delete few replies from posts and such little changes do not making a new senseless thread. Pm a L2 or Global moderator instead.


Just pm a global or l2 mod to delete the site(reply)

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