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Hello people


in l2 you can't use bad nicks when you try you get a message '' Incorrect name.Please try again. ''


now because many people get mad with other players and they try to find a way to make them feel bad or just make fun or what ever dunno xD


you must download L2NET  from  http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/


i suggest you the new version 3.86 working and on Freya.


~ CT.1  - Freya L2NET


If you get error with l2net 3.86 you must download Framework 4 also here the link :



after when you finish with the install


1) open L2NET

2) click OOG

3) choose the server (i choose l2sexi for test it)

4) ID and Password

5) choose server

6) Create New Char  (when you create a new char with bad nick you see empty window but in game the nick name exist)





we finish was so simple.. char done is better to use those chars for other things not as  a main char coz i'm sure GMs will ask you how you use bad nicks so maybe they will ban you or if you are lucky they will change nick name.


here one picture..




have fun haters.


you can do it with PHX and walker too

anyway,thanks ::)


i know about walker but L2NET is my pasion ^^


it's also working through l2walker, on trashed java servers...it's not working on ptc

in many servers working i try in l2atlantis,l2sexi, and in inc but the old not new one dunno.


Actualy the "bad names" are client side dected.. that's why you can use them when you login with a non-lineage "client" that dose not check them.




p.s. i donno where they are coded in the original client.


not like the server load would be unbearable server side, how many characters are created compared to packets, lawl.

  • 2 weeks later...

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