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[help] DN summon

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Hello guyz.


I m player of Dragon Network  servers and i have problem with summon low lvl chars to HB.There was update and now u cant summon to HB.

If there exist any bug or smt plx write me it here ... I will be kurwa happy ... :DD


Thanks for help.

Have a nice day.

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well speak better english , you mean the server updated and it is now hb and u cant summon pet?


if u can't just Admin do that for no exploits , or? give us more info . and speak more clearly

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well speak better english , you mean the server updated and it is now hb and u cant summon pet?


if u can't just Admin do that for no exploits , or? give us more info . and speak more clearly



Ya my english is sux xD ...

Dunno where u saw smt about pets ... There on servers wasnt update for chronicle but just some Maintenance and now we cant summon players to Hellbound Isle ... and It is  problem ...Summon friends there dont work... There must work any bug ... or smt.


Now better ? :)

Have a nice day.


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Admin fixed the bug :P you can't sumon anyone anymore there. Just xp them to 78 , make quest and enter .. there is no other way


Mby any way exist ... xD

Btw lvl to 78 make quest ... and if i take retail  lvl 40 i can enter then ? xD

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  • 1 month later...

Man i'm pLayed in Dragon-Network aRena 200x server .. have 1 summon zone... For find it you need much walk in HB isLand ... id any zone MAPS open in this zone u sumon your chars ..





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  • 2 weeks later...

Man i'm pLayed in Dragon-Network aRena 200x server .. have 1 summon zone... For find it you need much walk in HB isLand ... id any zone MAPS open in this zone u sumon your chars ..






Man I've played in Dragon-network arena 200x server .. there is 1 summon zone .. To find it  you have to walk much in HB island .. in this area u can summon you chars ....  AnimalMon ..Update with better english :P

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