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Rules are Rules,i agree its pre-pack[the archid one] but what Setekh means?to dont remove it?explain me and i will do it!




D3mon!Read better mate!!

Protections :

# Npc Protection's

* Anti-Phx Enchant

* Pet Enchant

* Multisell Bug

* Anti-Phx Announce

* Subclass Exploits

* Olympiad fake death exploit

* Chat Delay (Shout/Trade)

* Trade bug fix Exploit

* Olympiad SubClass Exploit Fix

* Oly fake death exploit fix Exploit

* L2WalkerProtection

* Might && G.Might bug

* prefrenzy(and others) fix Exploit

* Olympiad Clan skills exploit fix

* SubClass Stuck SA With Weapons

* Augment Skills Stuck fix

Credits archid team


Server Customs :

*Fate weapons

*Dynasty weapons

*Dynasty armor

*Custom gm shop

*2 buffers

*1 custom

*1 special shop

*rebirth manager [from teon pack]

*wedding manager

*faction shop

*faction manager


ok?in ARCHID Pack!!

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Rules are Rules,i agree its pre-pack[the archid one] but what Setekh means?to dont remove it?explain me and i will do it!




D3mon!Read better mate!!

Protections :

# Npc Protection's

* Anti-Phx Enchant

* Pet Enchant

* Multisell Bug

* Anti-Phx Announce

* Subclass Exploits

* Olympiad fake death exploit

* Chat Delay (Shout/Trade)

* Trade bug fix Exploit

* Olympiad SubClass Exploit Fix

* Oly fake death exploit fix Exploit

* L2WalkerProtection

* Might && G.Might bug

* prefrenzy(and others) fix Exploit

* Olympiad Clan skills exploit fix

* SubClass Stuck SA With Weapons

* Augment Skills Stuck fix

Credits archid team


Server Customs :

*Fate weapons

*Dynasty weapons

*Dynasty armor

*Custom gm shop

*2 buffers

*1 custom

*1 special shop

*rebirth manager [from teon pack]

*wedding manager

*faction shop

*faction manager


ok?in ARCHID Pack!!

Read good,im asking for the id's of these NPC's

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Look , target the npc!!

shft+click and "EDIT" you can find there [ NPC iD =..] ok?

if you dont find ..tell me here

omagad,im not asking you how to get some NPC id.Im asking you for the NPC id's of archid pack!

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dude , open the data base and find custom_npc table you will find all npc  id , name

Agree!!and a newbie one can think it xD or got at C:/server/gameserver/data/html ..

but i think i have spawn all npcs..anyway GL and have fun..

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