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[WTB] help to make a server

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i want someone REALLY experienced in this section who can answer me a lot of things. if he really helps i ll reward him with adena here.







4000x exp sp(sp not needed)

All in one panel(Teleport,Augment,Sybols,Class Change,Class Upgrade,Shop single items, and some other things)

Some custom npcs

A great free(or not) forum designer

Custom mobs and drops

Custom Farming areas

Donates(i think u cant rly help but we ll see)

A Company which uploads the server(cheap and efficient for up to 100-200 ppl online)

Custom classes

Custom items


these are the basics. whoever knows how to do the above answer(these r not the only things, but i can get help from other guys too if u cant do sth)


Ty in advance

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