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[Trick]Aug stuck


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augu stuck bug was fixed in most of the servers by not letting u to equip an weapon till u let the other down.

but there was a bug in this "fix" , you could equip a 2h weapon even if u had a weapon in that time in hand.

this is what he try to say.... anyway....



Dude i don´t undesrstan a shit about it, could you plz explain your self better next time. tank you

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let me explain you -.-


there it was a bug with dual handed weapon, when you was equiping a dual handed weapon and then you was equiping a shield the augument skills was stucking, after they've fixed it by disabling equiping shield when a dual handed weapon was equiped already. Triton pole is a fishing gear and no a weapon, it was a execetion.


Now you got it?

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let me explain you -.-


there it was a bug with dual handed weapon, when you was equiping a dual handed weapon and then you was equiping a shield the augument skills was stucking, after they've fixed it by disabling equiping shield when a dual handed weapon was equiped already. Triton pole is a fishing gear and no a weapon, it was a execetion.


Now you got it?

they fixed the bug with triton pole too on almost all srvs >.>

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Afaik the bug was working only in archid packs..no archid servers exsists anymore(i think)

actually there are, and they say they own the respective project :)))

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is old bug and the most of the interlude server have fixed this bug.i dont talk about the graciaq and etc this bug in this server does not existt

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