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well guys here will leave a mini guide on how to make their customs enchants


1-good to be the first thing to do is get off this program with which to open the file may env.int what can be downloaded from here


RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting


2-open L2 File edit give "Open and decrypt" then look for the directory where you have your folder system would default c: \ program files \ Lineage II\system


3-then open the file env.int once done seek these lines














4-the lines of "Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1)" are the colours of weapons, in "Enchant?=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) " i interrogation where the [?] is where you have to put the number corresponding to the number of enchants


5-these are the colors with their corresponding lines


-Blue (normal)



-Red (normal)



-Yellow/Orange (alternating)



-White/vilet (alternating)









-white/blue (very good)






6-putting lines where the interrogation [?] enchants the number of which will belong to the color (they can be repeated or combine to taste admin) aLL out


7-when this all ready and already have the colors you want to do this then put "Save and encrypt" and is ready and save it codificaion "111" enjoy :D



PD=if you want to a certain number of enchants only shine a color here is the solution


putting the lines in which according to the number enchants varieties of the color of the gun


if you want that from this number to 65535 (Maximo) shine with a single color add, if not you have a last line separated from the others, with color and without number enchant




[here leave blank lines to separate]



and is ready to enjoy


all that we have to mix colors and which leave no? eh eh therefore expensive here:''R''in maximum and minimum = 255 = 0 you put the quantity of each color you want to be seen pj =




R1=cantidad de rojo R2=amount of red (in the seconds brightness)

B1=cantidad de azul B2=amount of blue (in the seconds brightness)

G1=cantidad de verde G2=amount of green (in the seconds brightness)


sorry 4 my bad english :(


by CriticalError


yes its very good thx man rly nice share. The white color on weapons its pfff extraordinary ;) i know that from long time but didnt make it...but white looks awsome.


yes its very good but not works on many servers..u can see the change of colour only u...not the whole server....and if u put the same colour in b1 with b2 for example the colour stay without clowing..if u put different colours..its glowing ^^

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