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Olympiad Help me please Project Team can not help =/



Hello guys!

I have a problem in the Grave olympiads ...


The players now before teleported to stadio They Are, They run, and die pros guards of the cities, after waiting and are teleported to the stadium.

They Killed Within reach it, and if the opponent's hp is low skill by agumar Active Etc, When he wins even dead.

If the opponent's HP is full TIE happens.

I await the help of you


Temporari Fix by parizakis




/ / Relive the player if he / she is dead
                               if (player.isDead ())
                                       player.doRevive ();

                / / Heal Player fully
                player.setCurrentCp (player.getMaxCp ());
                player.setCurrentHp (player.getMaxHp ());
                player.setCurrentMp (player.getMaxMp ());



Helped? yes!

But When He arrives at the stadio, players click on to village before 60 seconds and are teleported to the villa, and are awaiting tie or win.

Would like to resurrect the player before the 60 seconds ... resurrect, When it is moved to the arena ..

tovillage or disable the option?

Or even better to Be kicked out of the game so instead of Receiving ress .. because then he would lose. To Be resurrected again and add ...

I look forward to Your help, thank you!


Excuse me for my horrible English ... I used google online translator.

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6 answers to this question

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The problem is because the player dies and is waiting to Be pulled to the olympiad, When He Arrives in ToVillage click  stadium.

Then he waits tie or win in the Village.



The temporary fix, is to resurrect, just when you start counting 60 seconds, but before 60 seconds the player click ToVillage.

And so it waits Victoria or Tie = (


You have no idea how bloquiar the button to village?

So the player would have to wait for the ress


Again personal apology for my bad english

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The problem is because the player dies and is waiting to Be pulled to the olympiad, When He Arrives in ToVillage click  stadium.

Then he waits tie or win in the Village.



The temporary fix, is to resurrect, just when you start counting 60 seconds, but before 60 seconds the player click ToVillage.

And so it waits Victoria or Tie = (


You have no idea how bloquiar the button to village?

So the player would have to wait for the ress


Again personal apology for my bad english

How does the player click to village if he is resurrected?

Can you explain better plz?

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Ok I'll send photos of how the problem occurs!


1 - The player dies for example for an NPC. And listen for 30 seconds.



2 - After being moved to the arena he has the option of ToVillage for about 10 seconds ..

width=1024 height=578http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/3037/print2m.jpg[/img]


3 - He clicks ToVillage and so will be teleported to a village.

width=1024 height=592http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2328/shot00005w.jpg[/img]


4 - Wait for the Tie or Win

width=1024 height=592http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/990/shot00007an.jpg[/img]




With the temporary fixed the following happens.

width=1024 height=578http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/3037/print2m.jpg[/img]


If the player does not click in To village


width=1024 height=592http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/3681/shot00004ah.jpg[/img]


I hope that is easier to understand now xD

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I m sorry,i m not using IL pack and i didnt know that Oly works like that.

I have no time to do a check for dead players so i give you this.

If player is not in arena,he cannot be validated as winner,he will lose the match.:)

I think its a good protection for many servers.


                       double playerOneHp = 0;
--                              if (_playerOne != null && !_playerOneDisconnected)
+				if (_playerOne != null && !_playerOneDisconnected && Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(_playerOne))
				if (!_playerOne.isDead())
					playerOneHp = _playerOne.getCurrentHp()+_playerOne.getCurrentCp();
		catch (Exception e)
			playerOneHp = 0;

		double playerTwoHp = 0;
--                              if (_playerTwo != null && !_playerTwoDisconnected)
+				if (_playerTwo != null && !_playerTwoDisconnected && Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(_playerTwo))
				if (!_playerTwo.isDead())
					playerTwoHp = _playerTwo.getCurrentHp()+_playerTwo.getCurrentCp();

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