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Walker for L2Vicious and L2Frozen by turksauron :D

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i'am gonna say it one more time


l2vicious and l2frozen aren't using BAKE ICE, BAKE ICE is launcher and updater with protection in one file (plus dll's)


in frozen and vicious u have normal updater, launching game by l2.exe and those are protected by Hin't protection (if i remember, fire.dll etc) but 100% not by BAKE ICE so u didn't bypass BAKE ICE


Mayhem is using BAKE ICE:


width=640 height=478http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/4606/35330670hi1.jpg[/img]



Frozen and Vicious aren't using BAKE ICE

width=640 height=480http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/565/15498718qy3.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/6493/56177118hy1.jpg[/img]



So change topic name please cuzz it ain't correct


I was getting erro with L2asrv when my Bot Loader was turned ON , when i Switch him off , L2asrv works. But i have another problem :/ :


14:40:00 Now we will use local verification:o)

14:40:00 Enjoy!

14:40:00 Link LoginServer Succeed.

14:40:30 ->Login LoginServer Timeout.


Any ide whats wrong?


my god :/


here you go: http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/lin2-exploits-hacks-bots-tools-macros/105022-request-bypass-bake-ice-launcher-l2walker.html


turksauron so if u bypassed bake ice, i'am waiting for l2gold working bot, cuzz it's using bake ice :)

download l2gold updater, u will see what bake ice is lolol


@turksauron can u please post a l2asrv i can use for l2vicious?


cuz i was using WP506f, and ur bypasser says:


"12180: request to connect

12180: Token is not fit with the server token"



Bake Ice By-Passer by turksauron

18520: request to connect

14682: request to connect

7040: request to connect

11561: request to connect


Whtas going on??


still having this:

14:08:54 Link LoginServer Succeed.

14:08:55 服务器[01]当前在线率:5.98%,能否登陆:能

14:08:59 Access failed.  Please try again later. .

14:08:59 ->Login LoginServer Fail.


what could be causing that?

try more times it will work if u dont recive something with account " Password does not match this account. Confirm your account information and log in again later. " => it will work :)


i want oog walker for c4 plz :P:P


Man, go to bot section, there is plenty of bots


as for the founder of this bypass it seems cool, but if it dont bypass bake ice what does it do exactly? Im getting confused, is this a good tool or not? :O


damn got so excited when I read bake ice cracked lawl. well I guess what u cracked was good but we need a bake ice crack :)


Does anybody know if theres anybody working on a bake ice bypasser? It would be mmmm sweet

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