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L2 Favorite Char Names

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My favorite names are SmackThat and Sm0k3, these two names are taken by players of ininitel2 and OLD l2extreme. My name right now is Hake and for my bots i use short names like Pit ,Cup, Tom so i can /invite /trade / dissmis the easilly

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den leo gt tha m klepsoun ta name alla edo tha kano mia e3eresh :P




                        IiISirTagmaIiI                  K1llerStyleH1t                K1llerstyle           

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  • 2 months later...

IiI is cool. i use it to receive less PM's ingame..some ppl doesnt know how to do it.

LOL ;DDDD.... Anyway my favourite name ingame is "Lunus" : easy to write,spell, and without "xXx" , "IiI" and kinda bullshit ;DD
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