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[Exploit]Become colossal in Dalaran

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You need to be on this quest

Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart - Quest - World of Warcraft

To get this item

Thunderbrew's Hard Ale - Item - World of Warcraft

1. Once you are on the quest Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart head to Grimbooze Thunderbrew in Nessingwary's Base Camp.


2. Ask him for ale. He will produce one for you.


3. Summon whatever means of remote bank access you have next to Grimbooze.


4. Place Thunderbrew's Hard Ale in the bank and talk to Grimbooze again. You will quickly notice you are able to obtain another Ale from him.


5. Repeat this process as many times as you want. I'd recommend getting at least 100 Ales which should give you about a half hour of fun as a giant.



Once you have all your ales head wherever you want (Dalaran obviously if you're an attention whore like me) and begin drinking the ales. Every 10 seconds your character will grow in size and peaks after around 30 growths.


width=1024 height=640http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/4894/giant2.png[/img]


TIPS: You will grow or refresh the hidden growth timer after 10 seconds of drinking the ale. You have about 10 seconds in-between drinks to mount on a mount or walk around as a giant before having to sit down and drink again to keep your size, as this is not permanent and is on some unspecified hidden timer. After you become smashed by the ale you may have a chance to puke. Pressing Esc before the cast finishes will cancel it and save you the chance of losing your giant size.


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