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My end is near :(


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Hello ladies and gentleman in maxcheaters...today maybe is the worst day in my life...i woke up in 7 o clock

cause i had nightmares...then i hit my head in the door cause my brother opened it when he woke up.Afterwards

with nikoloudos,seventhsky,aecetia lost in lol by some <<aek>> fans.Then like 1 hour before i had a strange phone call

which would change this day to the worst that could happen...the phone call was from a friend who said:


-Ελα ρε μαλάκα,τι γίνεται?διαβάζεις για αυριο?

-Γιατι τι ειναι αυριο και θα έπρεπε να διαβάζω?




-Hey <<malakas>>,whats up?are you reading for tomorrow?

-Why what is tomorrow and i should read for?

-You give exams tomorrow!


Well,tomorrow i must go to my school and be ready on 8.30 A.M. (Sh1t.i was waking up always after 13.00)

and give exams on biology,if i dont pass i will repeat the same class for second time (i had suffered this 2 years ago

which means that if i had passed the exams 2 years before now i would be on the last class of the high school,but now i

am still on 1th of high school) in case i pass everything's ok,but if i fail my new pc would be food for the afganistan kids,

my ass would be raped so my father would forgot what i did and maybe i will go to the army school or something

so hard...


Well i have no idea about biology,i am studying and studying but nonsense :S


I hope everything will be ok tomorrow,if not...nice to meet you :/

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Kidding me right?


No...you know,i had used to spent over 10 hours on pc and now i have only 15 hours until i go and give

exams,i am really anxious now...




close the godamn pc and start reading.




easy to say,difficult to do :(


Lol fail -.-

its just biology nothing more..

dont worry you pass for sure.


i have to learn some things like:



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easy to say,difficult to do :(


If you dont have the will to do, then why u mad?


Make a coffee, sit on your balcony, make a cigarette and start reading slowly.


Even if you hate it tomorrow you're giving exams, cancel everything you had to do in the afternoon and sit at your home to read.



If you rather to play lol than pass your class and redo it.. then my 2 cents.

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with nikoloudos,seventhsky,aecetia lost in lol by some <<aek>> fans.




Anyway, gl doctor Tsili.


I guess you're afk now, as my quote at your sig says...

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