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[AF Family]Recruiting members

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Hello and welcome to Artistic Fatality's recruiting topic.I am glad to announce that we just got started and are in need of 2 or 3 experienced members.So what's better than making a topic here asking for applicants ?:P



Some information about us:



Artistic Fatality graphics team is a new family full of people willing to learn and help.

The purpose is to learn,help,improve yourself and reach the top :)

We're gonna camp at forums starting battles based on graphic material against any random graphic family that challenges or gets challenged by us.


*The members:

AnimaAequitatis - Leader







*Note that being highly ranked doesn't others' opinions don't count a shit.In the other hand,as a highly ranked member you'll have to listen to what everybody says :P


How to join?

Well,just post here filling out this form:

*Previous Experience:
*Weak and Power Points:
*Show your 5 best pieces:
*Show your 5 latest pices:
*Why do you want to get in the team:







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*Name: Mustafa

*Nickname: xxxkilerproxxx

*Previous Experience: Very pro. Many people call me Picaso of PS.

*Skills: my skillz are mad like hax

*Weak and Power Points: Chuck Norris (says it all - No weak points, best at everything)

*Show your 5 best pieces: Well, really hard to choose the best among perfection, but here you go...


1. 2uykhu1.jpg


2. 34do95l.jpg


3. 2gvpxmd.jpg


4. mgw.png


5. 1214x3l.jpg


*Show your 5 latest pices:


1. indianaf.png


2. voo4yh.jpg


3. 2wnv021.jpg


4. 33magbd.jpg


5. startekv2.png


*Why do you want to get in the team: buttsecks


Accept me?

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