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About Illicit Awakening Gaming Victoria/Aria

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Hello MaxCheaters :D Ι know that some of you have heard about this epic server (in my opinion)...I also know that some of you are thinking that C3 is obsolete (i wish i wrote it correctly) ,but i am sure that the guys who played this server ,believe that the server was really good.


Let's get on topic .I Was Wondering About The Server . Does Anyone Knows Anything About The Server ,Cause I Am Bored Of Those Home Made Servers And I Would Like To Start Again The Server...So can anyone inform me? is it still on or not .will it open again,what are the changes,does anyone play the server all it's empty?

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This is the most fail server ever full of donators yalso some donators are with edited stats Brindi-Ostrogoth-Ast3roth and gm chars


i guess this server died .it was the best server for me but now it seems only donators with 500 euro weapons play there ? I Could kill some donators when i was playing.because i had a tank and the donators archers :D
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I've tried the server before and it was weird lol. TH could do like 5k to 10k with skills like 20k with crit >.> I guess its fully customized and ppl still like cause it there were ppl playing.

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i guess this server died .it was the best server for me but now it seems only donators with 500 euro weapons play there ? I Could kill some donators when i was playing.because i had a tank and the donators archers :D

In old Victoria with big stats i was donate too r hero +33 with full r tatoos and armor +25 premiere but then vic was with 150+ ppl on now are only 50 ppl and from these 50 45 are donators and 5 gm bots
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In old Victoria with big stats i was donate too r hero +33 with full r tatoos and armor +25 premiere but then vic was with 150+ ppl on now are only 50 ppl and from these 50 45 are donators and 5 gm bots


I guess those 50 dont mind lol neither do the gms  or they would wipe the server to gain their old ppl back.

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I guess those 50 dont mind lol neither do the gms  or they would wipe the server to gain their old ppl back.

you are right.if it was able ,i would be very glad to return to the server .i love ,c3,c4 times and old pride (interlude)
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