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Need ID of Crystals D,C,B and A

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Plz I need the IDs of Crystals D,C,B and A because players buy them with 15 adena and they sell them for 7500 adena.


If anyone knows how to delete them from the GMShop plzz tell me. Thanks

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Here you got preaty script that check if shop buy for more adena then sell.


I dont take credits for this, It's not my work.




<body link="navy" vlink="blue" alink="#00CCFF" text="#003366" bgcolor="#f0f0ff">


<font face="Garamont" size="3">


<meta NAME="Author" CONTENT="Enforcer"><center><b>


<title>Check shops for items that allow adena exploits</title>








$db_user = "root"; //your sql username goes here


$db_pass = "root"; //your sql password goes here


$db_name = "l2jdb"; //your database name goes here


$db_serv = ""; //the address of the database goes here




$res = mysql_connect ( $db_serv, $db_user, $db_pass ) or die ("Coudn't connect to [$db_serv]");


mysql_select_db ( $db_name );




echo' <hr><form action="checkshops.php" method="post">


Items type:<select name="R1">


<option value="Weapons">Weapons</option>


<option value="Armors">Armors</option>


<option value="Others">Others</option>


<option selected value='.@$_POST['R1'].'>'.@$_POST['R1'].'</option></select>


<br>Shop IDs between<br><input type="text" name="shop1" size="6" value="'.@$_POST['shop1'].'"> and


<input type="text" name="shop2" size="6" value="'.@$_POST['shop2'].'"><br>


<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go!"><hr>








elseif(@$_POST['R1']=="Armors") $table='armor';


elseif(@$_POST['R1']=="Others") $table='etcitem';


if(empty($_POST['R1'])) {


echo"Please select search criteria";








if(empty($_POST['shop1']) or empty($_POST['shop1'])){


echo "Please fill both fields";












echo "Seoond shop ID cant be higher than first one!";






if(@$_POST['submit']=="Fix all"){


echo"All prices are now correct for selected range<br>";






$check_etcitem=(mysql_query("select $table.item_id,name,$table.price as sell_price,


merchant_buylists.price as buy_price,shop_id from $table,merchant_buylists


where $table.item_id=merchant_buylists.item_id and


shop_id between $shop1 and $shop2 and ($table.price/2)>merchant_buylists.price order by name"))or die(mysql_error());








echo "You dont have items with bad prices on current selection";






$rep_tbl='<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center valign=top width=90%>




<form action="checkshops.php" method="post">


<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Fix all"></td>


<input type="hidden" name="R1" value="'.@$_POST['R1'].'">


<input type="hidden" name="shop1" value="'.@$_POST['shop1'].'">


<input type="hidden" name="shop2" value="'.@$_POST['shop2'].'">




$item_tbl='<table border=3 align=center width=90%>


<tr>Items list


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%><b>Item ID</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=center width=40%><b>Name</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=15%><b>Sell price</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=15%><b>Buy price</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=center width=10%><b>Earning</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%><b>Shop id</td>






while ($check_etcitem_res=mysql_fetch_row($check_etcitem)){
















$repair=("update merchant_buylists set price=$sell_price where item_id=$item_id and shop_id=$shop_id;");




//mysql_query($repair)or die(mysql_error());




$item_tbl.= '<table border=1 align=center width=90%>


<tr><form action="checkshops.php" method="post">


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=center width=3%>'.$i.'.</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=center width=10%>'.$item_id.'</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=left width=30%>'.$item_name.'</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%>'.$sell_price.'</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%>'.$buy_price.'</td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%><font color=red>'.$diff.'</font></td>


<td style="border:0px solid silver" align=right width=10%>'.$shop_id.'</td>


</tr> <input type="hidden" name="R1" value="'.@$_POST['R1'].'">


<input type="hidden" name="shop1" value="'.@$_POST['shop1'].'">


<input type="hidden" name="shop2" value="'.@$_POST['shop2'].'">






if(@$_POST['submit']=="Fix all"){












echo $rep_tbl,$item_tbl;}



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