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Everything posted by pidixtoylis

  1. Plz I need the IDs of Crystals D,C,B and A because players buy them with 15 adena and they sell them for 7500 adena. If anyone knows how to delete them from the GMShop plzz tell me. Thanks
  2. Nice work. I have made the server and C4 NPCS aren't spawned. Can u tell me why?
  3. I have a normal server and i want to create a second pvp server but i don't know how. Can anyone help me?
  4. Pos mporo na kano ton server Full C4???
  5. loipon ekana enan server ton sikosa se ena net-cafe alla den 3ero pos tha pai3oun oi alloi upologistes plzzz opios 3erei na mou pei.
  6. Αντε μακάρι να τον φτιάξετε το συντομότερο δυνατόν και θα είμαι από τους πρώτουσ που θα παίξουν!!! (Αρκεί πάντοτε να είναι τζάμπα)
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