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WTS Char In L2 Anime Donator Name(DaSoNe)

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Name: DaSoNe

Main Class: Duelist + Hero

With All have Skill     : +11

With full active for Fighter And Mage

With 6 passive (Duel Might/Might/Shield/M.barier/Guidance/Agility)    

With Custom Items Custom Armor: Robe/Light/Heavy/Wep/Rb jewels + 25 all items

With Clan LvL 8 Full Clan skill/Full Royal + Castle Goddard + Clan holl with full npc

With PvP:2434 Pk:1610

Name: z1k = Bot For Valor

Main Class: Archmage

Just look how much the agument skills cost in the donation list of server  L2Anime_Donate_list

DaSoNe + z1k + Clan For 50 euro Pay Safe








width=960 height=768http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/2208/shot00017cl.jpg[/img]

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Main Class: Duelist + Hero

All Skill    : +11

With Full aCtive for Fighter And Mage

With 6 passive (Duel Might / Might/Shield/M.barier/Guidance/Agility)

+ Clan LvL 8 Full Clan skill/Full Royal + Castle Goddard + clan holl with full NPC


For 50 euro Pay Safe





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look server has all the time ppl to play pvp and olympiad is always full of people and my char is the best in olympiad and i can easilly killl every class ,plus and in pvp action is the best archer

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