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Loipon Xtes eftiaksa to proto m npc kai eipa as to kanw share edw eine gia interlude !!!


Katarxas To Costume NPC Periexi Mov Vesper Weapons opou ta fixara egw auta ta weapons / apella armors / epic mask / boss jewels


Na kapoies photo !!!




width=1024 height=634http://i38.tinypic.com/2ibp7r4.jpg[/img]


width=1024 height=634http://i37.tinypic.com/209sy09.jpg[/img]


width=1024 height=634http://i38.tinypic.com/io46fp.jpg[/img]


width=1024 height=634http://i37.tinypic.com/2ex69vl.jpg[/img]



Gia na to katebasete patiste Edw


ta weapon egw ta fixara mob xroma 8a ta balo sto client developer ali fora :P


Credits : me


kai pou brika re ta weapon ?? :P afou dn m ta xes dosi aplos ema8a na ftiaxnw k egw :P 8a ftiaksw k alla me ala color :P


aa k ston server s eixe 12 weapons oxi 47 pou eine auta :D

Τι 47; 38 είναι τα weapons, 10 τα part από armor, 1 wing και 5 jeawel! Δεν ξέρουμε να μετράμε;; :P


Kita gia arxh to NPC einai oreo.... an kai theli merikes metatropes... alla auta as to kanoun osoi to download..


P.S thelo to patch gia ta vesper weapon....(pou exeis pano stin eikona 2)


aplos katebase to npc kai exei mesa ta patch koitakste bsk ta weapon eine enos pediou aplos stn server tou eixe 12 exw ebala bow aspoumme na exei k focus k tetoia

gia na mn m leei oti eine dika tou 8a ta fix se alo xromaa k 8a to kanw share


1.Δεν ειναι Costum ειναι Custom

2.Στην αρχη του htm δεν εχεις βαλει λογια και φενετε ασχημο αυτο.Βαλε στο επομενο update αν κανεις.


3.Μαρεσει πολυ η στολη σου



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