1)Pos Kanw to mp potion na dinei perisotero mp (oxi 100mp) (1000) 2)Pos Kanw tous chars otan ine 85 lvl kai 100% na mn xanoun xp (de-level) 3)Exw ena buffer otan sto navicat ton exw L2Npc mou leei not meet the criteria otan ton exw L2NpcBuffer mou dixnei ta buffs... pataw ma ta kanw kai dn ginete tipota se kathe patima pos linw kai ta 3 problems :) Thnx!!
1)Pos Kanw to mp potion na dinei perisotero mp (oxi 100mp) (1000) 2)Pos Kanw tous chars otan ine 85 lvl kai 100% na mn xanoun xp (de-level) 3)Exw ena buffer otan sto navicat ton exw L2Npc mou leei not meet the criteria otan ton exw L2NpcBuffer mou dixnei ta buffs... pataw ma ta kanw kai dn ginete tipota se kathe patima pos linw kai ta 3 problems :) Thnx!!
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