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Ghost Sentinel, let's discuss

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You are kidding me right? At Gracia I pwn them all ;D

Learn to read.

[red]It's imba on IL, not Gracia[/red]. Guess you didn't know that, cause you actually haven't played it.

Someone should suggest to NCSoft to change that counter skill cause it's ridicolous

It's been suggested xxx times already by official servers players. NCSoft, as always, didn't gave a shit.

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Well...PR is not good if u want big speed and big atk speed.PR is the Ultimate Critical Power class.Dead Eye is his best skill.gives huge crit power ...and PR is mostly playable if u have RB jwls..and Dyes + STR ofc..mainly good PR's are only in servers that which Archers have good Atk Speed (Custom Items that give atk speed ;tatoo,accessory,belt,armors,ecc.) PR is an archer so he has low p def..making him quite vulnerable.so thats why ppl don't play it so much..they rather have more atk speed and less range (SR) or huge range and huge speed (Saggi)

GS is good in any server unless if u dont know how to play.

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I have similar feelings, gives me the best fun game saggi (as above, I support fully). I do not like to play SR'ami due to the low rank, and what the game HE - frankly, I can not call it a good player, but I am also not zero. NCsoft should offset some of the gaps - and will be fine.

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So what about Trickster? Because as far as I remember, a Trickster is way better than the normal archers. Tricksters have MORE ATK SPEED, Real Target (Crossbow Hex), Death Mark (Decrease Pdef), and Dark Seed which is like anchor. What more do you want. Also Tricksters have Hard March which gives a lot of speed, and Furious Soul which gives Crt power and rate.

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