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[Share]Recipe & Mats Shop ( INT){l2brasil}


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Since i see the lasted L2j Brazil rev its bugged at some mats quest i decided to make a npc for that . Im newbie with that so i just learned how to create this :) hope u enjoy. Have a nice day !(interlude)








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Credits To me !

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first of all edit your post and write {l2brasil} and which chronicle secondly u can for sure make that better with graphics and visuals in order to produce a well - visual work thats all ;)

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  • 3 months later...

first of all edit your post and write {l2brasil} and which chronicle secondly u can for sure make that better with graphics and visuals in order to produce a well - visual work thats all ;)



look at them they are hilarious.


anyway, being on topic, first of all thanks for share, keep it up u have a lot to learn.

second quests for mats are kinda lame in private servers, but still i saw a lot of servers with this kind of shop, so i bet will be useful for somebody.

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