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[L2J] L2Abnormal - A New Era (300x) Server OPENED Today, 18/8/2010 ! Have fun :)

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i joined,but i didnt like it,i didnt feel comfortable there.

clan parties annoyed everyone newbie in starting zone,lol peoples,lol languages at shout chat,that server is like many others...

still searching something special >.<


server is not bad... you need to farm, but with clan/pt it's not hard (i made full atribute vepser set in  2x 4h  farming)


class ballance is better with everyday (still need to work with soulhounds and tanks...)

~150 ppl on


just donations are fuckin' unbalanced :#


i dont have prb with donations if they are expensive  which that means that only few ppl can give their money so less unbalance between normal players and donators,but this server has so cheap donations so with 30 euros you can buy ++++ items easy

that means that 50% and more of the server population will be donators so no chance for normal players.cheap donations means for me "that they create the server to earn money and only for that and wipe in 1-2 months because the normal players will leave and they stay only the donators to fight eachother".


exactly, that happend to all servers opened for donations only. afte 1,2 months wipe, reopen with other name +some new feautures.




bad thing is 'not full buff' added to NPC... a lot of boxes in towns


150 online (where 50-> = boxes and ~15 offline shops... ;/)



it's hard to find pvp now... lol every1 use bot and hide in the middle/end of farm zone xD

even olympiad isn't runnin' no1 what's to fight :/

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