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Posting Nudity Pics in Spam Topic : Mask


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damn i had to report interpid !  but seriously if i  post anything satiristic like an old man with big titties saying "sexmachine" is this a nude pic ?


feel free there are certain ppl who never going to understand the meaning of a joke :D

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he said any kind of nudity, and actualy he is right...

but wtf xD


this issn't ban-able Q.Q

there is no rule saying bannable nudity(porn) or non-bannable(fun art - old man naked -ecc...) it simply says : ANY ..its clear for me..

damn i had to report interpid !  but seriously if i  post anything satiristic like an old man with big titties saying "sexmachine" is this a nude pic ?

i haven't seen that pic but if its nude..it can be reported..no1 stops members to report thingz that break the rules..even if its normal member/VIP/Donator/ecc..

P.S.: i know every1 has their opinion about it..but moderators will do whatever they think off...and if they don't ban him ..i wanna see what is their excuse

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feel free there are certain ppl who never going to understand the meaning of a joke :D

mentioning that i was going to report you was a joke. actually i warned you because Santy CLAWS was gonna report you x]
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actually i warned you because Santy CLAWS was gonna report you x]

whats funny in that?:S

i am Evil-Santa

Man you won't get promoted with this way

i don't want anything...i think that is fair to report everything that breaks the rulles...its nothing personal.i don't know anything about u...

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there is no rule saying bannable nudity(porn) or non-bannable(fun art - old man naked -ecc...) it simply says : ANY ..its clear for me..i haven't seen that pic but if its nude..it can be reported..no1 stops members to report thingz that break the rules..even if its normal member/VIP/Donator/ecc..

P.S.: i know every1 has their opinion about it..but moderators will do whatever they think off...and if they don't ban him ..i wanna see what is their excuse


look if you really ride on rules you can be banned or atleast dekarmed to around -2 -3 too for tons of flaming so you are the last one who have the rights to report anyone :D

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look if you really ride on rules you can be banned or atleast dekarmed to around -2 -3 too for tons of flaming so you are the last one who have the rights to report anyone :D

i got banned for flames..and it was fair..and i didn't complain like Mask does..

and every1 has the right to report!

Maxtor:In this section all regular members can be a part of this community by reporting all abusing,spamming and illigal activity in maxcheaters.com. The only think you have to do is to make a topic (without post counting) and report us (mods-global mods-etc) with information about illigal activities in forum. A Moderator then will take all the necessary measurements and then lock the topic you made.


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w/e rules are rules but i dont think this is a naked pic. I mean what if i posted my dog's pic..... would that be bannable ? ( cause we are talking about a pig here...)



LoL i drank too much water and now i am like a balloon.


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Lol this ain't no kindergarden nor the Nazi germany dude.

It's a funny pic, what's wrong with that? Even Lineage is 16+, so what?


fail wannabe mod is fail

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