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soz p to kanw kai edw post.. alla sto help

den m exoun apantisei.. dld m apantise o extremedwarf  alla den m fiaxtike etc wpos m eipe..


to provlima m eine otan kanw build to gameserver


m vgazei error...


Buildfile: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build.xml


  [delete] Deleting directory C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build


    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build

    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\classes

    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist

    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist\login

    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\dist\gameserver


    [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified


    [javac] Compiling 1214 source files to C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build\classes



C:\workspace\L2_GameServer_It\build.xml:67: Unable to find a javac compiler;

com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.

Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.

It is currently set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_18"


Total time: 3 seconds


m eipan oti prepei na vrw ta swsta java.. alla den ta vrisko;S

13 answers to this question

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sto eclipse, windows> preferences>java>installed jre's kane search ston fakelo program files twn windows kai otan vreis ta java dialekse to jre.1.6.0_18 i opoio allo exeis.

  • 0

sto eclipse, windows> preferences>java>installed jre's kane search ston fakelo program files twn windows kai otan vreis ta java dialekse to jre.1.6.0_18 i opoio allo exeis.

to kanw kai m dixnei afto.. w8 na kanw post SS


  • 0

soz gia duble post*

re aderfe den 3erw ti ginete to ekana kai 3ana to idio.. na s dwso teamviewer na mpeis na deis 1 lepto ti fteei?:(

to java fteei, m mathate oloi to team viewer kai to zitate, katse mathe eimai sigouros pws den ekanes reinstall java


  • 0

to java fteei, m mathate oloi to team viewer kai to zitate, katse mathe eimai sigouros pws den ekanes reinstall java


kai ti trelenese twra? apla pes ena nai h ena oxi mn to paizeis trelos
  • 0

kai ti trelenese twra? apla pes ena nai h ena oxi mn to paizeis trelos

δεν το παίζει τρελός αλλά έχει δίκιο,

η έχεις γνώση ή δεν έχεις,αν δεν έχεις κάθεσε και μαθαίνεις.

στη ζωή σου δεν θα τα βρείς όλα έτοιμα.

  • 0

kai ti trelenese twra? apla pes ena nai h ena oxi mn to paizeis trelos

den to paizw trelos, apla den ksanakaneis install na katseis na piramatisteis kai ta perimeneis ola etoima

  • 0

den to paizw trelos, apla den ksanakaneis install na katseis na piramatisteis kai ta perimeneis ola etoima

pia etima? to dev help eine gia aftous p dn 3eroun kano la8os? apla ekana to post edw giati ekei dn pira apantisi twra an den goustareis na dineis "etimes" apantiseis se aftous p den 3eroun mn kaneis post
  • 0

pia etima? to dev help eine gia aftous p dn 3eroun kano la8os? apla ekana to post edw giati ekei dn pira apantisi twra an den goustareis na dineis "etimes" apantiseis se aftous p den 3eroun mn kaneis post

sou edwsa tn apantisi, kane reinstall java kai prospathise 3ana, to ekanes? OXI.

  • 0

apla ekana to post edw giati ekei dn pira apantisi twra an den goustareis na dineis "etimes" apantiseis se aftous p den 3eroun mn kaneis post

εάν είδες είδη το κάνανε move,οπότε σταμάτα να κάνεις 2 topic με το ίδιο θέμα επειδή δεν σου απαντάνε στο ένα.

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