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[Guide] Moonlight Sentinel

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Buffs: eye of pa'agrio, counter critical.. wouldn't use so much resist element buffs like this.. you'll get too much buffs cancelled if server isn't high five.


Strategy: nukers can get a lot of p.def if they go chant of victory and no berserk. If nuker has pvp armor, you'll hit a lot less than fighters.

Best strategy is to get long range as certification and NEVER use rapid fire (-50% range KILLS you). Just cancel the skill and keep a lot of distance. Can try stun, but -50% chance stun on elegia robe kinda -beep-s it up.

Same thing about duelist and GK.

About tankers, it's very nice for you to use stun shot. Keeps them still and prevents them of using cp pots or skills.

SR versus Sargitarius.. If both of you already used ultimate evasion, you'll get more evasion from evade shot.. and 'cause you got more dex. And you'll get much more atk speed 'cause counter rapid fire and rapid fire.. So just keep close with evasion up and spam stun shot.. you'll be able to use the skill much faster..


About itens: i wouldn't use valakas.. fritezza is much better.. 20% chance stun..


edit: you can enchant speed skill and m.def skill for +cost.. it gives more evasion and m.def than normal buffs

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