Paidia sasparakalo voi8isteme den 3ero pos na valo enan server sto hopzone ekei pera pou lei gameserver ip evala to extrenalhostname kai sto loginserver ip evala to internalhostname kai mou vgazei X ta alla3a kai pali X alla3a kai ta ports sas parakalo 8a kano upload ta server properties kai an boreite na ta ftia3ete kai na ta kanete post kai ekei pera pou xriazete na valo ip na grapsete pio ip na valo sas parakalo
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Hello all,
Developer for over 10 years but only lately I've started to fiddle with L2 client files, I'm a complete noob at this.
Are there any resources I can have to learn how to decompile and re-compile the files that ship with the game?
I have a ton of compilers and decrypters but can't make sense of how to use them and for what scenarios.
Understanding the files' structure an what they are doing would be a great start.
If you have any links/documents to share would be great!
Thanks in advance
Paidia sasparakalo voi8isteme den 3ero pos na valo enan server sto hopzone ekei pera pou lei gameserver ip evala to extrenalhostname kai sto loginserver ip evala to internalhostname kai mou vgazei X ta alla3a kai pali X alla3a kai ta ports sas parakalo 8a kano upload ta server properties kai an boreite na ta ftia3ete kai na ta kanete post kai ekei pera pou xriazete na valo ip na grapsete pio ip na valo sas parakalo
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