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[L2J] DeVOTiON !


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I hope all like the server and the ppl who dont change their mind also :)

well we need some raids or smth to farm for glits its really gonna take long to get so many glits with mobs and puresilver :/.
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There are raids just ask ingame you can find them (also big raid bosses drops aditional relic jewel... valakas drops valakas fiery

baium drops baiums anger etc..)

anha. and how many people are needed to kill them?
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Smells like a wannabe of L2 Failest.

l2finest was a fail they reduced the drops too much i was one of the firsts people with dynasty i could pwn anyone but it was pathetic everyone crying ,,,


@till now this server worths it have some pvps even if its start nice farming pt farming and ill organize raids with my clan today night so its really going well.



@pm darkslayer for clan and help ingame.

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L2Devotion is a semi-pvp server ... It's true that you need to farm in the start but later you will be reciprocated from the pvp :D


P.S. a single clan pt with 5-8 players and at least 1 bishop can raid the mini-bosses (Gordon-Iblis of destruction) in Forbiden gateaway... :)


P.S. Ingame i am *TecKTONiK*

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This server is the same with L2 Seresin, another failed server that stole the datapack of L2 Pride or Zappu's version of the C6 Pride pack. So, The GM and so are the players got some special help considering newbies take 18000 from archers and it is ALWAYS PK with no Pvp. This server is also FULL OF PVE WHICH IS MEANT TO WASTE YOUR LIFE when the server will most likely close in at least 5 days. You know, the admin Tecktonik is immature as well considering he claims to have made and developed this pack and everything in it. I will release some pictures I collected of this wonderful server and its community along with admin.












width=1024 height=743http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8708/shot00015ak.jpg[/img]


width=1024 height=743http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/5632/fail7.jpg[/img]



i closed it beacuse of the l2 j killer ok so stfu



Same server with different name and same admin.

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Server has only 2 days online and has around 30 players online atm Pk killer wil be added soon in 1 farm farm zone for new players to farm


P.S. to mrRees i told you slayer is HGM here some things are edited from him and the others from me no one forces you to play

if you like it stay if not you know where exit button is i realy dont have the time to discuss with you... spaming from me stops here

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I predict the future of this server....


Day 1: everything is fine, archers start ruling

Day 2: Some no lifers got Demonic armor

Day 3: GM's give top clans full relic

Day 4: Server closed due to some retarded reason


Angelos, I am not spamming, I am simply posting the facts of the server which you try to conceal and hide from everybody so you try to make some excuse to try and get my post deleted or something.

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Relic Already?And Max+?loled

hes retarded only some players got dynasty wpns and he though its relic rofl.


The biggest items on srv is dynasty set and wpn.


I already got my dynasty wpn and half of set.

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