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Create Error Messages!


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A thread for something different - Creating Error Messages that look real!

I saw a similar thread on another Forum and I thought everyone here would love to share and post funny and witty fake Error Messages using some Error Message Generator Websites I know.


They are very simple and easy to use - NO coding knowledge necessary!


Below I have arranged the links to the Error Generator Websites and Features of them in Groups, for quick choice, access, and comparison! Also below is help on what the Groups mean.


Locations: The particular Error Message Generator Address. There may be more than 1 Address for Samples or Galleries of Error Messages to help you get ideas!


Core Features: Each Error Generator shares these Features, but all but one of them in unique amounts.


Additional Features: Unique Effects for that individual Error Generator.


Here is the list of Error Message Generators:


Website List


Error Message Generator 1



Generator Address:






Error Gallery Address:




Core Features

> Selectable Icons: 72 Icons

> Creatable Buttons: 3 Buttons

> O.S. Error Styles: 2 Styles

> Unselectable Button Effect


Additional Features

Error Message Generator 1 has no Additional Features.


Error Message Generator 2



Generator Address:

Protected Message:




Core Features

> Selectable Icons: 5 Icons

> Creatable Buttons: 3 Buttons

> O.S. Error Styles: 6 Styles

> Unselectable Button Effect


Additional Features

1. Selected Button Effect

2. Enable Or Disable Cross Button Effect


Once you have generated your Error, simply right click your creation and select the save option to save it to your computer. Once saved, upload it to an Image Hoster such as Imageshack or PhotoBucket, then link it back to and post it in this Thread.











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  • 3 weeks later...

G00D work ;)

ty ;)

man you're amazing...i'll put tons of that in my site/forum! ahahah

amazing k4rma i made many of them its cool :D thx for this!


You are all welcome !! ;)

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Ooohh!!! Really nice but take a look here too guyz...!!!  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)




But there is a prob with this program!!! I don't know how to save them,if it's possible...!!!  :-X :-\ :-X :-\ :-X :-\ :-X :-\


P.S Offtopic- I am going to sleep now... Good night...or good morning... 4:40 a.m...  :D :D :D :D :)

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and VBs can help us to make Messages error or whateva

msgbox "what wanna type in mess",vb"we can chose what style we want,"Title here"

its very very SIMPLE

just make one txt

put this code inside like

msgbox "Hi!",Vbinformation,"Hi My friend"

and save as like all files *

and rename it as hi.vbs

thats all :)


one more TIP

lets make it better like add and inpoutbox

how its writing?

in vbs u are not "free" like Vb anyway

try this

INPbox=inputbox("Your Name","")

msgbox "Hi! " & inpbox,vberror,""

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