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[SHARE]L2Open Interlude Project

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В связи с тем, что Heaven Team является частью Open Team, было принято решение о слиянии команд. Соответственно, сборки теперь будут не от Heaven Team, а от Open Team.

Также будет изменен СВН и нумерация ренв будет начата с нуля.


Изменения между ревой 143 (Heaven) и ревой 1 (Open):

- Произведен полный синх с L2JTeon

- Произведена небольшая чистка и оптимизация ядра

- Исправлена работа всех массовых скиллов

- Исправлены все Newbie Guide

- Исправлены ошибки загрузки конфигов

- Исправлено получение купонов у Miss Queen

- Исправлены скроллы протекции (Валакас)

- Исправлена проблема с атакой НПЦ и мобов

- Убраны лишние скиллы

- По умолчанию можно создавать чаров с русскими никами

- Исправлены Ангелы в МОС

- Кодировка всех таблиц изменена на UTF8


Предупреждаю сразу, из-за синха могут повылазить ошибки.



Eng(Translated with Google):

Due to the fact that Heaven Team is part of the Open Team, it was decided to merge the teams. Accordingly, the assembly will now not from Heaven Team, and from the Open Team.

There will also be changed IOS and numbering Wrenview will begin from scratch.


Changes between Reva 143 (Heaven) and Reva 1 (Open):

- Produced a full sync with L2JTeon

- Made by small cleaning and optimization of the kernel

- Fixed all skill mass

- Fixed all Newbie Guide

- Fixed boot config

- Fixed a coupon at the Miss Queen

- Fixed scrolls patronage (Valakas)

- Fixed problem with attacking NPC and mobs

- Removed redundant skills

- By default, you can create charov with Russian nicknames

- Fixed the Angels in the MoE

- Encryption of all the tables changed to UTF8













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Post the SVN and the Timeline else it will be considered as pre-configured pack and will get junked.

The Developers of L2Open Team don't post svn and timeline yet. but i'm waiting for replay.

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A liltle correction 4 u guys


Changes between from Reva 143 (Heaven) to Reva 1 (Open):

- Produced a full sync with L2JTeon

- Made by small cleaning up and optimization of the kernel core

- Fixed all AOE skills mass

- Fixed all Newbie Guides

- Fixed boot all the config now works correct

- Fixed a coupon at the Miss Queen

- Fixed scrolls patronage of protection (Valakas)

- Fixed problem with attacking NPC and mobs

- Removed redundant skills

- By default, you can create characterov with Russian nicknames

- Fixed the Angels in the MOES

- Encryption of all the tables changed to UTF8

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Yay, yet another L2j interlude project. :D


There are what, a dozen or so I have seen started in here? So far there are maybe 3 still somewhat active.


I am not being negative, I just do not see the need for yet another IL java project when L2OFF files are so easy to get now.

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i thought that l2open is working at gracia final chronicle right?...Or i am wrong

Here it is svn and timeline





You wrong a bit they working on epilogue right now.And my opinion they got pretty good epilogue pack

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nahh thats not the whole l2open team just shadow with 2 other guy also they are sorry this to say but nothing

you mean this is not L2Open's Project?


Check This

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