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[Share]Killed Barakiel?[Set Noble]

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that made me wonder too haha :P

Do you know something about Java ? haha >.>


Your shit code should to be


		if (player != null)
+						int _barakielId = 25325;
+						if (getNpcId() == _barakielId)
+						{
+						player.setNoble(true);
+						player.sendMessage("You have gained Noblesse status by killing Barakiel!");
+						}
			broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL));
			if (player.getParty() != null)

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ouch didn't pay attention >< those parentheses xD


But n that case only the message will be broadcasted to the killer when he kills a random boss, its not making him a noble xD


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