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Mega flamer!


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cry me a river ;((((


http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=157271.0 - 1 page

onfire kinda started it.


and you...i just said my opinion and you was angry.

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suck my ballz big boy!


it seems you need a help look what a shit you made.

no1 asked your opinion ass licker...


yes that kid is older then you.


its no point for battle.You will lick each other asses.


you want to try lick my ass?

you must be one dumbass fat kid go buy a hamburger with cola


he's angry couse he didn't get to lick the balls today.


dont waste ur time kid, better read some tutorials...


dont tell me what to do better look at your sig they awful.


xDDDDD ur make me laugh,mine beats all your sigs


your dumbass you think you sigs are master piece?dont think so...

and you think all like your sigs? i dont like them.In this forum all can write if you dont want that i express my opinion then write in private.


Flame to me masterdisaster and onfire (and more actually) btw its not all the quotes..

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