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Even a site is corrupted? what the fuck is going on with you people ???


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firstly: (probably you will remove topic, but i dont care i will continue making topics with the same subject and then report everything at maxtor since he is the admin of the forum)





I will be banned, but nvm. I have worked hard for this forum, i was always respected the staff and even i get banned now for telling this i will continue to log in with other account, even with proxy cause sadly this is the best development forum around.


Im the administrator of l2dwarfwars as most of you know, today one char named Cutie(or smnth like this) started to insult my staff member kiefer. When obviously kiefer banned him, he talked him at msn (or @ skype, i dont really know) and he told him that he can delete our topic at mxc and stuff.


This guy was DreaM, the old global moderator of maxcheaters. Probably he told to a high grade staff (grisom if you didnt catch it) to delete L2Dwarfwars topic from mxc.


I dont really give a shit for the topic, i can be advertised somewhere else, but what the fuck is going on with the staff?


Really from now on, im going to give my respect to few staff members such as coyote.



Thank you very very much for reading this.

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My gamemaster Kiefer isnt online, ofc we have proofs, just i think that they havent talked @ english, nvm google translator. If you can, wait till kiefer logs in.


Erol, server was close for about 10 minutes.




well can u prove he is dream or can u prove he put grisom like u said to delete ur topic if u cant then stfu and dont act like a kid.

I have shown that im enough mature. I wouldnt tell such things w/o having proofs.

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Do you have proofs about it?

well can u prove he is dream or can u prove he put grisom like u said to delete ur topic if u cant then stfu and dont act like a kid.


well if i have good memory

DreaM had be banned some time ago

for abusing his privileges

he already have bad repuptation


but rozdex if you dont have proofs you cant do anythink..

personaly i wouldnt beleave that dream would do such thing

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u shown that ur enough mature? Where ? and how did u showed that to us ? rofl ur 15 dude u cant be mature.



well even if kiefer log how u will prove that he was dream and that grisom deleted ur topic u cant dude.

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u shown that ur enough mature? Where ? and how did u showed that to us ? rofl ur 15 dude u cant be mature.


Relax, take it easy, we should wait for the pics and generally for the "proofs"  ::) . Dont judge him before do his move..

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u shown that ur enough mature? Where ? and how did u showed that to us ? rofl ur 15 dude u cant be mature.



well even if kiefer log how u will prove that he was dream and that grisom deleted ur topic u cant dude.


Actualy if GrisoM deleted the topic it could be proved. [Mods Actions]

It will be the first proof.

Anyway i dont care,and about maturity i dont saw you to cry anywhere or to flame,and a trusted trader,he is enought mature for this forum i think.

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rofl ur 15 dude u cant be mature.

Telling such things makes you immature. But please dont get off topic.



I told you we have proofs, you can lock also topic till kiefer log ins and give me the chat.



p.s: grisom was at this topic but he didnt answer (isnt he this hidden member? sry if im wrong)

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