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In Spanish:


Multi Tool L2J


Programa: El programa es capaz de Obtener el Source, Actualizarlo, Compilar, Limpiar, Crear Info y Montar el ServerPack de los proyectos de L2J:

L2JFree, L2EmuProject, L2JOneo, L2JServer y L2JDP.


Sobre el programa: Ha sido creado totalmente por mí.

Empecé por hacerme el proceso de compilación de un server L2JFree más fácil y cómodo y poco a poco fui programando más y más, y ahora incluso lo he hecho para más proyectos aparte de L2JFree.


Beta: El programa ha sido testeado mucho por mí, compilando en repetidas ocasiones el mismo proyecto (en revisiones distintas) para comprobar que todo fuese correctamente.

El único problema por el que sigue en estado "Beta" es porque nadie más aparte de mí ha comprobado al 100% este programa (la parte L2JFree si, pero lo nuevo no).


Software Adicional: El programa requiere unos programas adicionales (JDK, Ant, Maven, SVN y UnZip), dichos programas se pueden descargar de un archivo html que hay junto al programa, también hay una guía de cómo instalarlo, poder actualizarlo cuando saquen nuevas versiones de dichos programas y demás.


Cualquier problema/error o sugerencia que tengáis con el programa, podéis comunicármelo a --> multi.tool.l2j@gmail.com


(Los links están al final del post)






In English:


Multi Tool L2J


Program: The program is capable of Obtaining the Source, to Update it, to Compile, to Clean, to Create Info and to Mount the ServerPack of the projects of L2J:

L2JFree, L2EmuProject, L2JOneo, L2JServer y L2JDP.


About the program: It has been created totally by me.

I began for making to me the process of compilation of a server L2JFree easier and comfortable and little by little I was programming more and more, and now even I have done it for more projects apart from L2JFree.


Beta: The program has been tested greatly for me, compiling in repeated occasions the same project (in different revisions) to verify that everything was correctly.

The unique problem for the one that continues in condition "Beta" is because nobody any more apart from me has verified to 100% this program (the part L2JFree yes, but the new thing not).


Additional Software: The program needs a few additional programs (JDK, Ant, Maven, SVN and UnZip), the above mentioned programs can download of a file html that exists next to the program, also there is a guide of how to install it, to be able to update it when they extract new versions of the above mentioned programs and others.


Any problem/mistake or suggestion that you have with the program, you can communicate it to me to --> multi.tool.l2j@gmail.com


(The links is at the end of post)








Download Multi Tool L2J Beta3 (Rapidshare)

Download Multi Tool L2J Beta3 (4Shared)


Software Multi Tool L2J (Ant, JDK, Maven, SVN y UnZip)



If anyone post it before, sorry for post again.

ALL CREDITS GO TO adryitan from RaGEZONE Forums! I just post it here.

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link not work

Are you kidding me?? This share is from: November 19, 2007, 03:00:21 PM »


Someone lock the topic please! Until the uploader give us a new link!

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